(The ministry of teaching the word of God is a ministry of the believers to the believers. The more one studies the word of God, the more he is motivated to share with others what he has learned.)

A. Those who are to teach:

1. Preachers (At 14:21; 1 Tm 6:2; 2 Tm 2:2,24-26).
2. Elders (1 Tm 3:2).
3. All Christians (Mt 28:19,20; At 5:42; 20:20; Hb 5:12).
4. Aged Christian women (Ti 2:3,4).
5. Parents (Dt 6:4-9; 11:18-20).

B. When and where to teach:

1. Every day (Lk 9:23; At 5:42).
2. Everywhere (At 5:42).
3. In religious centers (Mt 26:55; At 17:1-3; 18:4).
4. In educational centers (At 17:16ff).
5. In schools (At 19:8-10).

C. What to teach:

1. The truth (2 Tm 2:2; Hb 8:12).
2. The teachings of Jesus (Mt 28:20).
3. Good things (Ti 2:3).
4. Christian attitudes and behavior (1 Tm 4:6-11; Ti 2:4,5).
5. God's law (Ps 119:12,26,66; 2 Jn 9).
6. The apostles' examples (1 Tm 1:3; 2 Th 2:15).
7. The Old Testament (Rm 15:4; 1 Co 10:11).

D. The teacher:

1. Must take heed to self (1 Tm 4:16).
2. Must discipline self (1 Co 9:27).
3. Must be knowledgeable of Bible (1 Tm 1:7).
4. Must realize great responsibility (Js 3:1).