(The English word “gospel” is a translation of the Greek word euaggelion which means “good news.” The gospel is the good news of the historical event of Jesus’ death for our sins and His resurrection for our hope. The gospel is reported through the inspired word of God.)

A. Facts about the gospel:

1. The gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus for the salvation and hope of man (1 Co 15:1-4).
2. The gospel can be declared, preached, received and testified to (Mk 1:14,15; At 20:24;1 Co 15:1,2).
3. The gospel is good news (Lk 2:10,11).
4. The gospel is glorious (2 Co 4:4; 1 Tm 1:11).
5. The gospel is the mystery of God that is revealed (Ep 1:9; 3:3,4; 6:19; Cl 1:26,27; 4:3).
6. The truth of the gospel is God's grace revealed to man through the cross (Gl 2:5,14;Ti 2:11).
7. The gospel is God's power for man's salvation (Rm 1:16).
8. We will be judged by the gospel (Rm 2:16).
9. Those who do not obey the gospel will be lost (2 Th 1:7-9; 1 Pt 4:17).

B. Results of obedience to the gospel:

1. By immersion one obeys the death, burial and resurrection (Rm 6:3-6; 2 Th 1:7-9; 1 Pt 4:17).
2. One is saved by the gospel when he obeys the gospel (Rm 1:16; 1 Co 15:2; 2 Tm 2:10).
3. One is born anew (Jn 3:3-5; 1 Co 4:15).
4. One comes into a relationship with Christ (Rm 6:3).
5. One has a good conscience toward God (1 Pt 3:21).
6. One is called by the gospel (2 Th 2:13,14).
7. We have fellowship in the gospel (Ph 1:5,27).