(Giving of oneself and one’s possessions is an expression of one’s appreciation and thanksgiving for his salvation by the grace of God.)

A. The nature and reason for giving:

1. We are entrusted with God's goods (Lk 16:1- 13).
2. We are to produce (Mt 25:14-30).
3. We are to sacrifice our lives (Rm 12:1,2).
4. We are to deny ourselves (Lk 9:23).
5. We are to forsake the world (Mt 6:34; 1 Jn 2:15).
6. We are to crucify ourselves (Rm 6:6; Gl 2:19- 21).
7. We are to set minds on things above (Cl 3:1,2).

B. Attitudes for giving:

1. Give according to ability (1 Co 16:1,2).
2. Give liberally (2 Co 9:6-15).
3. Give in our poverty (Mk 12:42,43; 2 Co 8:1-4).
4. Give cheerfully (Mt 10:8; Lk 6:38; 12:33; 2 Co 9:7).
5. Give humbly (Mt 6:1-4).
6. Give with purpose (At 11:29; 2 Co 8:3-12; 9:7).

C. What to give:

1. Money (At 4:32-35; 1 Co 16:1,2; 2 Co 9).
2. Material things (Ph 4:18,19).
3. Ourselves (Rm 12:1,2; Gl 2:20).

D. When to give:

1. When needs arise (Mt 5:42; 1 Co 16:1,2; Gl 6:10; Ep 4:28).
2. On a regular basis (1 Co 16:1-3).

E. Motives for giving:

1. Because of love (1 Co 13:3; 1 Jn 3:17).
2. Because it is more blessed to give (At 20:35).
3. Because we are debtors to God (Rm 1:14).
4. Because we want the gospel preached to the lost (At 2:34; 3 Jn 7,8).
5. Because others need help (At 2:44,45; 4:32- 37).
6. Because we are commanded (1 Co 9:14).