(The Lord’s Supper is often referred to as communion. This memorial was instituted by Jesus for His disciples when He ate the Jewish Passover meal with the disciples the night He was betrayed.)

A. References to the Lord's Supper:

1. It was eaten during the breaking of bread (At 2:42; 20:27).
2. It is a communion (fellowship) with Jesus and one’s brothers (1 Co 10:16).
3. It is the supper with the Lord (1 Co 11:20).

B. Memorial of the Lord's Supper:

1. The bread is in memory of the body of Jesus (Mt 26:26; 1 Co 11:24).
2. The fruit of the vine is in memory of the blood of the covenant (Mt 26:27,28; Lk 22:19,20).
3. The supper is in memory of Jesus ' death and our covenant with God (Lk 22:19,20; 1 Co 11:27-34).
4. The one bread symbolizes the oneness of the church, the body of Christ (1 Co 10:16,17).

C. The time the first Christians partook of the Supper:

1. The first Christians gathered on Sunday (1 Co 16:1,2).
2. The first Christians broke bread on Sunday (At 20:7; 1 Co 11:20-29).
3. Christians partook of Supper as often as possible (1 Co 11:24,25).
4. Christians had a love feast, during which they partook of the Supper (1 Co 11:17-34; 2 Pt 2:13; Jd 12).