(Immersion) (The English word “baptism” is a transliteration of the Greek word baptizo which means “to dip,” “plunge,” “immerse,” or “overwhelm.”)

A. Definition of baptism (immersion):

1. One is buried by immersion (Rm 6:4).
2. One is buried with Christ (Cl 2:12).
3. Much water is required for immersion (Jn 3:23).

B. Candidates for immersion:

1. For those who are taught (Mt 28:19,20; Jn 6:45).
2. For those who believe (Mk 16:16; At 2:36-38; 8:36,37; 16:30-33).
3. For repentant believers (At 2:36-38,41; 3:19).
4. For men and women (At 8:12).

C. Reasons for immersion:

1. To become a new man (Rm 6:4,5).
2. To be in Christ (Rm 6:3; Gl 3:26,27).
3. To put on Christ (Gl 3:27).
4. To be of Christ (1 Co 1:12,13).
5. To be regenerated (Ti 3:5).
6. To be washed of sin (At 22:16).
7. To receive remission of sins (At 2:38).
8. To be saved (Mk 16:16; 1 Pt 3:21).
9. To be freed from condemnation (Mk 16:16).

D. Examples of immersion:

1. The Jews on Pentecost (At 2:31-47).
2. The Samaritans (At 8:5-13).
3. The Ethiopian eunuch (At 8:26-40).
4. Saul of Tarsus (At 9:10-19).
5. Cornelius and his household (At 10:24-48).
6. Lydia and her household (At 16:13-15).
7. The Philippian jailor (At 16:25-34).
8. The Corinthians (At 18:8).
9. The Ephesians (At 19:1-5).

E. Spiritual blessings by immersion into Christ:

1. Forgiveness of sins (Ep 1:7).
2. Redemption (Cl 1:14; Rm 3:24).
3. Becoming a new creation (2 Co 5:17).
4. Joining all sons of God (Gl 3:26,27).
5. Eternal life (1 Jn 5:11).
6. Receiving seal of the Spirit (Ep 1:13).
7. State of no condemnation (Rm 8:1).
8. Sanctification from sin (1 Co 1:2; 6:9-11).
9. Salvation (2 Tm 2:10).